Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Authors Note: I wrote this essay on a question "Are you Proud of Your Country?"

America America!

            Of course I’m proud of my country.  America has been around long and has been one of the most powerful countries in the world.  Many people wonder why and how America has been such a great country and place to live.  America has been a great place to live for many at all times.

            Somehow America has made it through all its tough times.  From the Great Depression to the Dustbowl and the gold rush.  America’s citizens have also helped this country to be so great for their pastimes.  America has been free from the start.   These days America has many soldiers that are fighting for this country’s freedom.  Without them America would be like one of those counties that are in trouble right now.  With our size and people I think our country can be even better for later times.  We have a very strong government.  Many state and National parks restore the country’s beauty.  One of the country’s greatest pastimes was the Native Americans.  We took over and kicked them off their land.  The some of the presidents gave them some reserves to live on.  That is great citizenship.

            This is why America has been such a great country over the years.  From its great tourists to its many citizens America has been a great joy to all.  Our country has also done a great job of remembering our pastimes.  That is also why America gets most of its people moving around and seeing different things.  Without the tourists America would be like one of the countries in the Middle East and people would never want to come here.  Now with our great soldiers and leaders we were able to prevent that and now we are one of the best countries in the world.

            America has been a great place to live for many and will continue to be a great place to live and be a citizen.  With our friends fighting overseas and our neighbors fighting fires and protecting the airspace around us we can have a great time living our lives.  That is what America is all about.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bear Attacks and LIghtning Strikes

Authors Note: This paper is referring to a fact I found "You're more likely to get struck by lighting the get attacked by a bear".

     Have you ever seen a bear, or a lighting strike? Well there is a reasoning that says you are most likely to get than get struck by lightning than get attacked by a bear. So for all you campers that camp in areas with bears you should be more worried about being struck by lightning than getting attacked by a bear!

     Lightning attacks are an often occurrence on the news if you live somewhere near where thunderstorms strike often. One of the biggest reasons people get hit by people is because they don’t prepare enough. One Example is when people at golf courses see lightning. Most of the time they will say we’ll just finish the hole and then they will get struck. Getting struck by lighting is pure luck but you can prevent that from happening. You should always wait 30 minutes before you go out and play again.

     Many people get very scared of bears and there is a reason why. Bears can be all over and they can attack at anytime. Once again like lightning strikes bear attacks can be prevented but you need to be careful. There are things that you can bring on your trip and there are things that you can do to help you not get attacked by that monster bear. One cheap a useful thing is pepper spray. When the bear is near just spray and hopefully they will go away.

     The bear attacks happen where bears live, and lightning strikes can happen during any thunderstorms. I think that is why lightning strikes happen more often. Another thing you can do to prevent either is think first and prepare. That should be your last resort in any situation. There were 2 fatal bear attacks in 2006. There were 47 lightning strikes in 2006. What a difference!

     Lightning and bear attacks are modern day occurrences that will affect camper’s trips and vacations. With that many people dying each year in the United States more and more people are playing it safe and staying inside during thunderstorms or turning around on a trail that you see a bear on.