Thursday, February 14, 2013


Author's Note~ This is a creative piece on a man who travels to Jamaica to get his money back but all he can think of is dying.

I have always worried about putting my credit card into the computer.  How safe are those programs.  I’m a young boy out of college, I can’t afford losing all my money now.  When I clicked checkout I didn’t know what would happen.

6 days later……

“It finally came” I told my girlfriend Karen. 

“It’s about time” she said dully.  I had just ordered this new video game and she didn’t seem so excited.  Now me, I was as happy as I could ever be. 

2 days later…..

Phone ringing!!!!!!! I picked it up and said “hello”.

“Yes, this is MasterCard”.

A shock ran through my whole body.  “Yes what happened?”

“It appears that you have been spending thousands of dollars in Jamaica” the lady said.

“I think you have mistaken this ma’am”.  I replied scared to she has to say back.

“Your card shows that you have spent a total of $9,999 in Jamaica.  If this would have been $10,000 our system would’ve alarmed us but it did not.  Unfortunately we can’t take this payment back I’m sorry”.

“Come on!!!!!!” I screamed, “Your telling me that I can’t even get my money back”.

“No sir I am sorry”.

“Noooooooo” I yelled as I slammed the phone to the ground.

“What happened” Karen asked.

“I have been scammed”.

4 days later……..

“Welcome to Jamaica” a young happy man told me as I got off my plane.  I saw a sea of people surrounding me, like I was a celebrity.  Feeling like a rock star I thought where are these people with my card.  I was given a card locater and noticed they were just 10 minutes away.

“How’s Jamaica”  Karen said.

“It’s great and really cool” I said happily.

“I hope you have fun, and stay safe”. Karen said and hung up.

When I sat  in my bed I thought of the crazy day I was going to have ahead of me.  The intriguing discussions I was going to have and lastly how do I stay safe.  What do I do.  All I can do is pray, and if I die here, well I knew I died trying, trying for something I knew was right.       



  1. This was a great piece, it made me want to read the book so badly. It kept me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen to the man and if he would find his money or die.
