Thursday, January 24, 2013

Who's View Is It?

Author's Note~ This is my point of view piece on the point of view in the novel A Prayer For Owen Meany, by John Irving.  I want to get a 9 or higher on this piece.

Owen Meany isn’t your average joe kid.  He is the kid whose feet don’t even come off the chair while sitting down.  A Prayer For Owen Meany, by John Irving tells the story of this unusual character.  John Owens friend was the main character and the whole story was in his point of view.  John’s point of view of Owen however didn’t change much and he had great respect for Owen throughout the book.  This book would’ve been taken in a different way and reader’s views of other characters would’ve been very different in someone elses point of view.

Johnny thinks that Owen is god’s instrument affecting  his own life.  John analyzed everyone from a normal standard depending on what they did Johnny would change his own view of everyone.  He seemed like an average kid but as he gets older in the book and when he talks about what he did in the past he changes.  Looking at his past he reflected on what he did good and what he did wrong as a kid.  The book clearly was is Johnny's point of view the entire time.

Owens point of view was much different.  He liked to criticize almost everything he saw weather it was on TV or it was a real event that occurred in his own life.  Owen was very bias to his own religious and showed a vigorous attitude to the Catholic Church and the way they did everything.  People also would see Owen differently and didn’t like the way he was so Owen must have had an edge on everyone criticizing him he did it back.

As I read each character seemed good but if this was in Owen's point of view his criticism would have been different on everyone else.  The book ( in Johnny's point of view) always had no bad guy in the story.  Each person was being nice to everyone and it was a normal happy town.  Now because Johnny thought that Owen was unusual if the book was in his point of view it could have been a lot different and could have varied.

Johnny’s mother died while he was young and Johnny was scared with the image of seeing his mom die in such an unlikely way.  She has always kept a manikin in her room to watch over her at night.  When Johnny’s mother passed the manikin went to Dan’s her boyfriend.  Owen didn’t think that it should be there and took the manikin back to his own house.  As I read I could see that Johnny and Dan were a little aggravated by this. 

If this event would've been in Dan's point of view I could have seen him being very aggravated at Owen but over all I think that it was the right move to give the manikin to Owen.  If Dan would have kept the manikin he would have felt touched by her and had her in his mind more often.  Now I'm going to write in the point of view of the manikin on moving to Owen's house. 

I just got stuffed in this big truck. What the heck.  Where am I going I liked it with Dan, he was a nice loving guy.  O my gosh I’m going to that annoying little brat Owens house.  This sucks he won’t even dress me I’ll just stand there lonely.  “WELCOME HOME,” as Owens high pitched voice pierced my ears.  ‘WERE TAKING YOU RIGHT UP TO MY ROOM,” Owen said.  Oh no  this will be miserable.

As the reader read they read the life of one crazy person Owen Meany.  Although Johnny told us the story in his own point of view you could tell there were other people pitching in and you could see how others thought of Owen.  Some thought that he was a courageous young man and some thought he was an annoying human being.  Differences between whose telling the story can change the readers input on who each person acts throughout the novel. 


  1. I think i would score a 9 or 9.5 on this concept. I understood this topic well but thought in some places I could have written something better.

    1. I also thought I missed some analyzing throughout the essay.
