Thursday, November 29, 2012

What do you Think?

Author's Note~ This is a prediction essay as I hope to show proficiency in prediction.

Inside a sunken ship with little oxygen, extreme dangers with hazardous air particles in the air.  That’s Nailer’s job, in the book Ship Breaker by Paolo Bacigalupi.  Nailer loves to explore and when a friend and himself went around the island they found a sunken ship with a wealthy girl, Nita.  Running from killer people and half men Nita and Nailer split up and are in desperate search.  A battle on the water leaves Nita’s ship sinking.  I believe that Nailer will find Nita in the ship and rescue her and end up together for the rest of their life.

Every love story always comes down to a happy ending.  During the stories Cinderella and Snow White there is always a happy ending.  Most reader could’ve assumed that Nita and Nailer would end up with each other at the end of the story.  Most Teen books need something exiting and a love story or a happy ending to keep young readers into the book and that’s why I think this will happen.

Secondly a lot of stories revolve around war; that one hero that always has the ladies love.  During this book you could tell that there were going to be two sides and Nita and Nailer were on the same side.  When I read I try to point out the obvious signals for predicting stories.  I noticed that Nailer was always fighting for Nita and that’s another reason the prediction is accurate.

Relating this book to another book would be easy.  The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins show how there is the war by everyone fighting as well as the love story during the big fight.  When you fight there will always be that one person who amazed you, which he is normally recognized at the all star.   In both stories you could tell who the hero’s were and they always ended up with their lover.

Love, such a powerful thing and it occurs in almost every piece of literature you can find, as well as every day in your life.  Whether you can see it or not you can almost assume in almost every story there will be love and you know that love will always be strongest at the end.  Being with someone for your entire life is a commitment, but I found that Nailer and Nita could never split up and will be with each other for their lives. 


  1. I thought you had good sentence fluency throughout your writing piece.

  2. You described everything well. I am reading that book, so I hope it's good.
