Monday, October 29, 2012

What Would You Say?

Author's Note~  This is an essay from a prompt saying, " If you could talk to the founding fathers what would you say?".

All you can hear is the rattling echoes of gun shots and men screaming in pain as the Revolutionary War goes on.  You’ve only been here for a short 2 days and can already tell that we are going to lose the war.  Now it’s 3 years later, our country has regained power again as well as safety.  I've got the chance to speak with some respected men in this time period; the founding fathers of my country.  What do I say?   The state of our country is at a point where I believe there is one thing to tell them, watch how we spend our money.

Back then you would have thought it was your lucky day to find a penny.  There were jobs for all the men and the women stayed home.  Each village had a church where they could worship freely.  As well our country’s citizens spent money wisely; on only necessary items.  Many think this was the good days of America and I would agree.  People growing up in the 21st century know that this is the exact opposite to what America is like now.  Citizens will think a penny is a penny and that it has no worth.  There are not enough jobs to keep all Americans employed.   You can compare the state of our country now and you can compare it to anything else such as Uganda; one of the poorest countries in the  world and if they found a penny the whole village would celebrate.  One of the biggest elections is approaching us and I would also want to take them into our world now and see how would they vote for.  George Washington stated having political parties could separate this country, he was right.

From the 1700s to now I believe the founding fathers laid out a great plan for our country and I believe America has been a powerhouse throughout its existence as a united country.  Weather our founding fathers were fighting in the war our creating the Declaration of Independence stress must have been dreadfully squeezed around them with their decision making. Money, a currency that our country revolves around and we need to watch our money; that's all I could say.

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